Friday, April 10, 2020

How to take care of mental health during lockdown?

Dear Student Friends,
  From past several days, Covid-19 has been buzzing around the world.  Our country, our state and our district are no exception. From 24th March Prime Minister has announced a lockdown all over the country.  Therefore, the government is trying to act on their behalf.  We will respond positively to their appeal, stay home, wash social hands, wash our hands with soap and keep our precious lives intact ...
 But while doing all this, staying in the house forever, listening to Corona's news frequently, is not boring!  Yes, you also need to maintain your mental health in such situations ... so send you some videos and PDFs.  Be sure to check it out and follow the instructions in it such as regular exercise, balanced diet, plenty of sleep, etc. and keep your mind healthy ...

 * Psycho-social toll free No.- 0804611007 *

 * Stay at Home, Stay Safe. *


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